Little Baby Sanders
A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Little Miss Myla is Here!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
39 Weeks
40 Weeks
For anyone here locally in Houston with us who is planning to visit me and Miss Myla at the hospital, Ryan and I would like to let everyone know that we are not going to accept visitors on Friday except for a couple of people who have already been told exactly who they are. Other than that, everyone else will wait until Saturday. We will let everyone know once we are accepting visitors. And lastly, if you do visit, no children please. I'll be letting my nurses know of my desires so if you bring your kids you're not going to be allowed in at the security desk!! And just to clarify, "children" = anyone under the age of 18!! Even if you do not agree with our requests here, I ask that you please respect them.
And if you are our Facebook friends, look out for a post from either Ryan or me letting people know when we will be accepting visitors. Most likely we will text people, but keep an eye out anyway. Woo.... Now I can't wait until Friday!!!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
38 Weeks
How far along are you?: 38 weeks. But who's counting?
Total weight gain?: 34 lbs. I can't quite keep track well because I don't own a scale so the only time I find out is at dr visits.
How big is baby?: Freaking huge. At my last appt my dr guesses about 6.6 or 6.7 and that was on 6/7.
Maternity clothes?: Ya and y'all have prob seen this outfit before since I refuse to buy more than like ten pieces of maternity clothing. It just doesn't make sense to me since its such a temporary wardrobe.
Stretch marks?: Haven't seen any yet.
Sleep?: Like last week, still getting up like 1-4 times a night to pee.
Best moment this week?: Being told that if I'm still preggers on my due date (6/24) then we will induce me that week... YES!!
Movement?: Tons of it. My baby is crazy. Plus she is kind of outta room in there.
Food cravings?: Ice ice ice.
Food aversions?: Nada!
Labor signs?: Braxton Hicks.
Belly button in or out?: Still out.
What I miss?: My feet not hurting all the time :(
What I'm looking forward to?: Being her momma.
And this week, we had big brother rhys in the picture with me!! As you can tell, he already gives his baby sister kisses. He is such a sweet boy and we love him to pieces.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
37 Weeks
35 Weeks
I Am So Behind!!
Thanks so much for keeping up with us and Miss Myla Ryann! :)
R & C